Hello folks!
It is with great excitement and enthusiasm that we would like to introduce to you our program, JMF Herefords and SimAngus. JMF is located in West-Central MN, just off Highway 59 four miles north of Holloway, which is 20 miles east of the South Dakota border.
Both Makayla and I have grown up in the registered and commercial sectors of the cow/calf industry. We are very passionate about what we do as cattle producers. We currently run 80-100 registered Hereford, Simmental, and SimAngus females. A philosophy we have always maintained is to “Breed cattle the way we like them,” not chase fads or try to make the next great one. We like efficient, low-input cattle that add value to our program.
Our goal as cattlemen is to not only to produce bulls and females for progressive commercial cattleman , but to make “BEEF”. Good beef for hungry people that love to eat it! Beef that we want to put into the hands of the consumer that gives them the satisfaction they want. Having a satisfying experience eating a steak gives our industry the reputation it needs, but it takes time, sweat, and dedication to accomplish this task; dedication that JMF will give to the best of our ability to ensure the bull that you purchase is a sound, functional sire that will add to your bottom line.
We expect our cows to flat out work hard. She must calve, wean a high percentage of her body weight, and breed back year after year. Problem free udders, adequate dispositions, and sound feet are a must with no exceptions. We will not trim feet!
JMF can help maximize your bottom line by the power of Heterosis - crossbreeding. Systematic cross-breeding is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve calf vigor at birth and add significantly higher weaning weight in the fall. “Pounds of beef still pay the bills”, and with implementing a Hereford or SimAngus sire in your program, you have the best ability to achieve that. The popularity of F1 Hereford-Angus cross baldy female continues to rise rapidly; in our mind there is nothing better than a “Hereford-sired momma!” The cheapest, most profitable technology available to commercial cattle producers today is maternal heterosis. Fertility, longevity, efficiency, and herd health are unquestionable advantages the Hereford cross can do for you. At the end of the year, a Hereford–Angus cross female will give you a $51/head additional profit to your bottom line as well as an added 7% conception rate advantage. To learn more about the power of Heterosis, go to www.HerefordTruth.com.
Thank you for taking the time to look through our site. Please give us a call if you have any questions. We love to talk cattle!
- Jared Flower

We have bought three bulls from Jared and Makayla. These bulls have sired some fast-growing steers, and the heifers are going back into our herd. We can't wait to see the calves out of these heifers this spring! The Flowers are great people to work with and have gone out of their way to help us. They sell good quality bulls, and they will stand behind them.

We have been very pleased with the quality bulls we have purchased. Each bull has a great disposition, is able to maintain a good body condition throughout the breeding season and winter months, and has the ability to cover the country they get turned into here in Montana. We have seen a very noticeable difference in our calf crop. These bulls have added length, thickness, and bone to their offspring. When wanting to crossbreed an Angus cow to a Hereford bull, we find that JMF Herefords and SimAngus is hard to beat!

We have used JMF bulls for the past 5 years, and they have lived up to be exactly what they were marketed as: sound built, low maintenance bulls that produce high vigor calves. When the first calf crop came, it was shocking to see the difference in vigor and vibrancy in the newborn calves from our JMF bulls versus A.I. calves. We have yet to have one disappoint. We're thankful for Jared, Makayla, and the JMF crew for their hard work as we have truly felt the positive result in our herd.